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نظریه محرومیت نسبی
Relative Deprivation Theory
Recognizing the pitfalls in attributing political violence to poverty alone, the relative deprivation theory emerged as another popular explanation for political violence.
Gurr's three-step model illustrates how discontent grows into violent action: "first the development of discontent, second the politicization of that discontent, and finally its actualization in violent action against political objects and actors."74 Gurr uses relative deprivation theory to fuse psychological variables into the study of political violence.75 It is less about the absolute resources that are or are not available, but rather the perception of the people as to how fair their share is.
Gurr demonstrates that a necessary aspect of relative deprivation theory is the politicized nature of one's discontent.
CriminologistsWebber and Ross acknowledge that relative deprivation theory is useful in identifying violent tendencies, but is nota sufficient explanationfor the rate of violent mobilization.77Othercritics of the theory observe that"deprivation theorists should expect mass rebellionsto befairly frequent,"78and this is no surprise when Gurr purports that "widespread discontent providesa general impetus to collective violence."79If discontent alone were sufficientforpolitical violence, we should expect to see large-scale rebellions across the U.S.in light of currenteconomic situations,but this is not the case.
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